May, 1998, Sau Paulo and Rio De Janiero, Brazil

(Day 3, setup)
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The next morning I arrived at the show at 9:00 AM as planned, and found Fabio not there. Finally, at about 10:30, Constantine showed up, and told me that the equipment (the stuff we shipped months ago) would be arriving at 12:00. About half a hour later, a workman read my badge and handed me a cellphone - it was Manuel, telling me that the equipment wouldn't be there until 4:00 pm. I told Constantine, he called Manuel back, and confirmed same. So there I was, cooling my heels for another day. I wandered the show floor for a while, including the food counters, waiting in 90 degree temperatures, 100% humidity, and anticipation. Once construction of the upper floors of the booth were completeted, they were able to turn on the air conditioning, which improved things somewhat.

Eventually, Fabilo showed up and, expecting to be busy, suggested I join Constantine and a few other folks lunch.

We walked to a local mall which, except for the Portugese could have been in New York - there really was very little different from our local stores. Prices were similar as well; $1 for a soda, $35 - $170 for sneakers. There weren't that many common brands, but the products were essentially the same stuff under different names. A couple of shops specializing in Easter eggs and candy - I imagine that Easter is a big one around here. And one novelty shop was selling an "American Family Puzzle": a Rubick's cube! Recognizable brand names were more common in the supermarket that we visited next, but again, there was a surprising dearth of the exotic.

That evening, at 7:00pm (!) our equipment eventually showed up...

...and after the usual initial tempermental behavior, it began working properly:

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