Today, John begins by having me stand on my head and levitate several small rocks and packages from the ship..... oops,.. wrong story. Besides, Lexington is much nicer and considerably less humid then Degaba.
My wife gives me a wake-up call at 6:30 am (nice, isn't she), and we chat before AM Weather begins. Afterward, I take a quick shower, grab a cup of motel coffee (and this time I do succumb to the donuts), and get a quick hour of simulator time doing more NDB procedure turns. John arrives on schedule, and we review my flight plan homework. Essentially he approves of what I've done (with minor suggestions for improvement), so we being discussing lost comm procedures. His dominant theme is to treat every flight plan as though it will be flown without communications. Then we begin work on VOR holds. I fly a few (on the sim) that come out well, so he cranks up the wind, making for some interesting patterns that don't look anything like the race tracks they're supposed to. We agree to break for a long lunch... both of us have some obligations to take care of, and it will give me a chance to solo the sim some more.
There's what appears to be a nice sandwich place right next to the motel, so I poke my nose in there for lunch. Only one of the sandwiches seems suitable, so I buy and eat it, along with a cookie. I relax in Lexington's tranquil park-like setting, and head back to the room to do some more VOR holds on the sim. John gets back at the appropriate time and we do NDB holds, which go better than the procedure turns did yesterday.(I'll practice both myself tonight.) Then we try some intersection holds, but the simulator is acting strangely - invariably, when I try to find myself, the radials I'm on seem almost parallel. John fiddles with the sim and gets it to work. I manage the holds okay, and as the simulator has only one nav radio, it should be simpler in the airplane. We finish up early today so I go for a bicycle ride, choosing the opposite direction on the bikeway. It gets more rural and is very pleasant. At the end of the bikeway (or was that the beginning?) I discover a friendly bike shop that is located only about 4 miles from the airport, and rents bicycles. I file their number away for future reference, thinking about flying up here with passengers and renting bikes for a leisurely ride to downtown Boston. Then I undo any benefit of the bike ride by pigging out at the local Chinese restaurant all-you-can-eat buffet. (Turns out I can eat quite a bit.) Tomorrow we fly! (assuming they fixed the tire).